Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Portrayal Of Gender Stereotypes Of Children s Television...
Portrayal of Gender Stereotypes in Children’s Television Commercials. Liuyi Bian University of Florida Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in gender portrayal in children’s television commercials. The hypothesis that stated, if an observed television program is determined to be intended for girls, then the colors used in the commercials would be predominantly intended for girls, is strongly supported. To do content analysis, we first gathered a sample of 50 television commercials aired on children’s television channels between 8 to 10 PMï ¼Å' then we coded each of the predictor and criterion variables and conducted a chi-square test. Our results indicate that most girl oriented television programs presented commercials that incorporated girl stereotypical colors. Furthermore, girls are often associated with bright and pastel colors while boys are associated more with neutral colors. Portrayal of Gender Stereotypes in Children’s Commercials Introduction Upon birth, everyone is acknowledged as either male or female. Excluding physical characteristics, men and women are often separated into two ends of a spectrum. Yet instead of a clearly divided line, what separates the two is in fact common societal standards and beliefs; these include cultural and gender norms and stereotypes. Who established these supposed â€Å"universal standards†, and in what other ways were they introduced to the general public? One of the mostShow MoreRelatedBrainwashing Youth : How Advertising Influences Children On Gender Images1496 Words  | 6 Pages Brainwashing Youth: How Advertising Influences Children on Gender Images For advertising companies, the topic of advertising to children is one that is very controversial and could lead to a lot of debate on whether it is even ethical to do so. None the less advertisements continue to be aired and targeted towards a particularly vulnerable group: children. At a young age it is a critical time for children. They are not only developing their mental and physical capabilities, but they are also developingRead MoreSocialization - Gender Messages in the Mass Media Essay975 Words  | 4 PagesSocialization - Gender Messages in the Mass Media How Images on Television/Movies reinforce society’s expectations of gender. The most powerful form of mass media that we enjoy in America is the television. What we see on our T.V.’s can have very deep and profound effects on our beliefs, our life-styles and our needs and behaviors. On most of T.V. women are portrayed as flawless, beautiful, hair of silk, skin like peaches and cream and God forbid if they can pinch an inch, whereasRead MoreWomen s Social And Mental Development1439 Words  | 6 Pagesadvancement has influenced people worldwide. Television shows and movies provide highly idolized characters, but creates unrealistic and falsified interpretation of what it mean to be a specific gender. As a result, it can be seen that today’s modern western pop cultural, has become globalized into an industry of gender roles in which has transformed mainstream television, commercial ads, movies and toys. Stereotypical traits have been assigned to each gender and has become a significant problematicRead MoreTraditional Gender Roles Of Women Essay2229 Words  | 9 PagesTraditional Gender Roles Gender Roles are the set of behavioral and social norms that are considered to be appropriate for people of a specific sex. These are not universal norms and vary amongst different cultures. While there are definitely biological differences between males and females, genders are more so constructed by society. Gender roles are constantly changing and vary in different cultures. For hundreds of years, babies of both sexes wore white dresses until they were 6 years old. ThenRead MoreSample of Baby Thesis4852 Words  | 20 PagesWhen I Grow Up: An Analytical Study of the Interpretations of Children on Pop Culture Elements found in Selected TV Commercials â€Å"TV takes our children across the globe before parents give them permission to cross the streets.†- Joshua Meyrowitz BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Advertising is a form of mass communication strategy created to promote the purchase of a certain product, message, or service in the market. It carries the messages that come to you from the people who pay for the media (BiagiRead MoreGender in the Mass Media- Projecting Masculinity1397 Words  | 6 Pagespresentation of gender in the mass media and projection of masculinity The mass media play a significant role in a modern world, by broadcasting information in fast pace and giving entertainment to vast audiences. They consist of press, television, radio, books and the Internet. The latter is now the most developing medium, however, TV also has a wide field of influence. By creating a certain type of message, media can manipulate people’s attitude and opinions. GENDER STEREOTYPES IN MASS MEDIA Read MoreAdvertising Advertisements And Body Image1645 Words  | 7 Pagescorrelate various demographic variables such as age and education, as well as geographic variables with preferences for role portrayals in advertising. Through the ages men have been considered to be financial providers, career-focused, assertive and independent, whereas women have been shown as low-position workers, loving wives and mothers, responsible for raising children and doing housework. Advertising I see does not show women as they really are 2 10 11 64 13 3. Advertising suggests women doRead MoreGender Stereotypes as a Reflection of Women2463 Words  | 10 Pages1993). Commercials and comics should never be solely regarded as the promotion of tangible objects as they carry subtle messages and reinforces certain ideas subconsciously. Gender roles are underlying and recurring themes in these commercials and it is crucial to understand the development of the images media portray because they have a strong correlation with the society. As these forms of media dominate the industry, we have to be wary of how it validates and ascertains our gender perceptionsRead MoreGender Stereotypes as a Reflection of Women2453 Words  | 10 Pages 1993). Commercials and comics should never be solely regarded as the promotion of tangible objects as they carry subtle messages and reinforces certain ideas subconsciously. Gender roles are underlying and recurring themes in these commercials and it is crucial to understand the development of the images media portray because they have a strong correlation with the society. As these forms of media dominate the industry, we have to be wary of how it validates and ascertains our gender perceptionsRead MoreGender Roles Today s Media867 Words  | 4 Pagesthe conformity of gender roles through role models, toys, and even media. To exhibit some gender roles in today’s media there are two gender specific commercials to demonstrate masculinity and femininity. In 2011, Miller Lite, aired a commercial belittling a man about his masculinity in order to advocate Miller Lite that it is the manliness beer. In a majority of cleaning commercials, women are shown to be the one cleaning this inclu des a Glade commercial in 2012. The commercial presented the idea
Monday, December 16, 2019
Disease Condition Heart Failure - 906 Words
Heart Failure Marikate Williams Delaware County Community College Disease Condition Heart failure (HF) is a chronic, progressive condition defined as the hearts inability to efficiently pump an adequate amount of blood to meet the demands of the body (Naab, 2011). Heart failure may be the result of the heart chambers not adequately filling, also known as diastolic HF or the decreased contractility of the valves to perfuse blood to the body, also known as systolic HF. â€Å"Heart Failure is a progressive disease which arises as a consequence of an abnormality in cardiac structure, function, rhythm or conduction†(Naab, 2011). Possible risk factors of heart failure could be due to advanced age, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, previous episode of HF, and coronary artery disease (CAD). Heart failure may be the result of a single risk factor; however, a combination of factors greatly increases the risk. As we age, the muscles of the heart become weak and the vessels carrying blood to and from the heart lose elasticity and over time be come hard. Frequent comorbidities in patients with heart failure include hypertension, coronary artery disease, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Paul Hice, 2014). Conditions such as hypertension and coronary artery disease cause an increase in blood pressure. Blood pressure increases when arteries become narrow as a result of hardening or due to build up of fat deposits; both of which are majorShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Heart Failure?1258 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is heart failure? Heart failure occurs when the heart loses its ability to pump enough blood through the body. Usually, the loss in pumping action is a symptom of an underlying heart problem, such as coronary artery disease. The term heart failure suggests a sudden and complete stop of heart activity. But, actually, the heart does not suddenly stop. Rather, heart failure usually develops slowly, often over years, as the heart gradually loses its pumping ability and works less efficiently. SomeRead MoreCardiovascular Disease And Heart Disease981 Words  | 4 PagesCardiovascular disease has reportedly been the number one disease killer for men and women in the United States of America. Every one out of four deaths is caused by heart disease in the United States alone (Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention). Heart disease refers to the different types of conditions and symptoms that can affect the one’s heart and its functions to the body (Mayo Clinic). Cardiovascular/Heart disease has many causes and conditions, prevention methods and symptoms, andRead MoreHeart Disease : Disease Control And Prevention1679 Words  | 7 PagesHeart disease has been around as early as the 1900s and is th e number one killer of men and women in the United States. According to the CDC about 610,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year, which is 1 in every 4 deaths (Heart Disease Facts. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Killing roughly over 370,000 people yearly, coronary heart disease is clearly the most common type of heart disease (Heart Disease Facts. CentersRead MoreCongestive Heart Failure (Chf) Is Defined As A Serious1483 Words  | 6 PagesCongestive Heart Failure (CHF) is defined as a serious heart condition that prevents the heart from providing adequate blood flow to other parts of the body, causing a buildup of fluids in organs such as the lungs and kidneys (Heart Disease and Congestive Heart Failure). This heart condition affects approximately 670,000 people a year and is one of the leading causes of death for older people (Heart Disease and Congestive Heart Failure). Congestive heart failure, a chronic heart condition, manifestsRead MoreThe Cardiovascular System Of The Heart1361 Words  | 6 Pagesconsists of the heart, which is a muscular pumping device, and vessels called arteries, veins, and capillaries (Silverthorn, D.U, et al. 2016). The heart pumps blood around a closed unit of vessels as it passes through circulations of the body. The human heart is a four-chambered muscular organ. The heart is enclosed in a pericardial sac that is lined with the parietal layers of a serous membrane (Silverthorn, D.U, et al. 2016). There are three layers of tissue that form the heart wall: the innerRead More Coding for Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Essay1633 Words  | 7 PagesCongestive Heart Failure (CHF) is defined as a clinical syndrome in which the heart fails to propel blood forward normally, resulting in congestion in the pulmonary and/or systemic circulation and diminished blood flow to the tissues due to reduced cardiac output. (Berkow, M.D.) The result is that the heart does not pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs. CHF can be caused by a variety of conditions that affect the heart such as: diseases or substances that weaken the heart muscle such as heart attacksRead MoreThe Heart Of Heart Failure1503 Words  | 7 PagesHeart failure is a chronic, progressive condition in which the heart muscle is unable to pump enough blood through to meet the body s needs for blood and oxygen. Basically, the heart can t keep up with its workload. American Heart Association Statistics (2016) reveals that heart failure accounts for 36% of cardiovascular disease deaths. Projections report a 46% increase in the prevalence of Heart Failure (HF) by 2030 by affecting over 8 million people above 18 years with the disease. Healthy PeopleRead MoreHeart Failure is a Major Health Concern1234 Words  | 5 PagesHeart Failure: Heart failure is a serious medical condition that is brought by the failure of the heart to pump sufficient blood throughout the body at the right pressure. Generally, this condition is a progressive and chronic disease in which the heart muscle is incapable to pump adequate blood for all blood and oxygen needs of the body. Since the heart cannot keep up with its workload under this condition, it attempts to make up for the failure through enlarging, developing more muscle massRead MoreThe Pathophysiology Of Heart Failure865 Words  | 4 Pagesthe Pathophysiology of Heart Failure The purpose of this paper is to synthesize a comprehensive review of the evidence based relevant factors to the morbidity and mortality associated with increasing risk factors of heart failure-HF as well as the pathophysiology of the heart and diseases associated with physiological and social behavior risks in the process of cardiovascular disease- CVD’s, by discussing the implications of the age, gender, and progression of the disease associated with major comorbiditiesRead MoreCongestive Heart Failure And Failure1389 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Congestive heart failure (CHF), also called chronic heart failure or congestive cardiac failure (CCF) is a clinical condition where heart muscle is weakened and cannot pump the blood as well as the normal heart. The ventricle, also known as main pumping chamber of the heart become larger or thicker which leads to inability to contract or relax as it should. â€Å"There is no universally agreed definition of heart failure (Denolin et al., 1983). It is the consequence of cardiac disease, diagnosis is
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Sexually Transmitted Infections free essay sample
The case study chosen for this week’s discussion will be Case Study #1: Case Study 1:? A 19-year-old Asian American female comes into the clinic for a well-woman checkup. She states that about three weeks ago she had a non-tender sore on her labia that resolved without treatment. Her gynecologic exam is normal but she has maculopapular lesions on her trunk, neck, palms, and soles of her feet. The remainder of her exam was unremarkable. Differential Diagnosis The differential diagnosis included for this patient are secondary syphilis, pityriasis rosea (a benign condition that resolves over 6 to 8 weeks), and a viral exanthema. Secondary syphilis is by far the most likely diagnosis. In primary syphilis the an ulcer or chancre will appear at the site of inoculation and can isolate spirochetes from the lesions. The lesions heal in 3-12 weeks. Secondary syphilis the likely diagnosis for this patient begin 2-10 weeks after the primary lesion(chancre) which the patient has widespread mucocutaneous lesions that spread to skin, liver, joints, muscle, lymph nodes and brain. We will write a custom essay sample on Sexually Transmitted Infections or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Systematic symptoms include rash, mucocutaneous lesions in mouth/throat and is highly infectious, lymphadenopathy. Treatment Penicillin is the most effective therapy for all stages of syphilis. Doxycycline hyclate or tetracycline are alternative treatments for patients with a demonstrated allergy to penicillin. Pregnant patients who are allergic to penicillin should be desensitized, if necessary, and treated with penicillin. The patient should be instructed on safe sex and if she becomes pregnant inform her provider so that the baby can be treated. The patient should finish all treatment and all partners should be bought in for treatment as well
Sunday, December 1, 2019
ms Essays - Self-help Books, Quantum Mysticism, Films, The Secret
i need help with compositions writing though it helps manage. The Secret is ``author ' Rhonda Byrne is a woman of few written words , and those few will likely not end up on anyone 's short list of world-changing philosophy (``I want to let you in on a secret to The Secret . The shortcut to anything you want in your life is to BE and FEEL happy now (100 . The second secret is that she has not written anything new instead she has patched together the tips , anecdotes and thumbnail philosophies of twenty-four ``amazing teachers (xi . The best kept secret is the ``amazing teachers ' themselves unless the reader frequents the New Age or Self Help or Personal Growth sections of the local bookstore , or had the experience of attending a ``B-List ' motivational seminar (there is no ``A-list ' Zig Ziglar , Barbara Bush or Colin Powell found here ) most will be unknown . What is painfully obvious is with very few exceptions , none have any mainstream academic credentials or positions and all are tireless self-promoters of their specific flavor of self-improvement (186-198 . Byrne 's book is simply the latest in a long and diverse line of self-help books , fads and programs that could be considered laughable except for what it represents : the acceptance of new mythology and pseudo-science the loss of personal responsibility and goal-directed work ethic and the pervasive search for easy personal wealth . Byrne has a simple and noble reason for divulging the ``Secret (to ) bring joy to billions around the world . The Secret team is experiencing the realization of that intention every day , as we receive thousands upon thousands of letters from people across the world , of all ages , all races , and all nationalities .expressing gratitude for the joy of The Secret Read more:
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