Speech writing essay
Topic For Arguments Paper About Detective
Friday, September 4, 2020
IT Management Issue Temple and Webster
Question: Examine about the IT Management Issue for Temple and Webster. Answer: Presentation: Sanctuary Webster is an online retail location that was established in the year 2011 in Australia. The online retailer manages furniture and different things for Art Dcor. The organization has been effective in its business activity and professed to accomplish $1 million income inside a range of 214 days of the arrangement of its online website (Templeandwebster.com.au, 2016). It must be referenced that there is extreme rivalry in the online retail showcase too. Organizations like Kogan, The Iconic, Catch of the Day and other such online retailers have denoted their business adequately in the ongoing business sector situation. Job of administration conveyance innovations: The careful utilization of data and correspondence innovation in the administration and retail division of the business has expanded the proficiency, responsibility and straightforwardness of the retailing and other selling techniques. As expressed by Wyche et al. (2013), there are possible advantages of conveying administrations by using data and correspondence advancements. Wyche et al. (2013) further included that this online innovation have open up the skyline for each field, for example, wellbeing, instruction and in any event, for the arrangement of food. The online business movement has made plans of action by including bosses, business visionaries, providers, merchants, retailers and the clients also (Fang et al., 2014). Forming the administrative changes and significant arrangement structures, there lays extraordinary chance of better monetary framework to work and degree the business exercises. Devices utilized by Temple Webster: So as to do the business exercises, an online retailer needs to utilize various devices in their regular daily existence. Perusing Veit et al. (2014), it has been seen that a long range informal communication page ought to be accessible to the buyers for simple shopping alternative. This administration is handily given by Facebook. In this manner, Facebook stage with online installment techniques utilizing PayPal or Google Checkout can be of prime usage and useful for the online retailer. Another significant apparatus is to make membership or buying represent the customers. Bringing the subtleties from the records of Google, Fcaebook or other Social sign in information, a client can without much of a stretch be bought in to and make buy at whatever point required (Fang et al., 2014). It has been discovered that Temple Webster utilizes these apparatuses as a piece of their internet retailing exercises. The Online Store likewise has a Shopping Cart added to its Website that makes it si mpler for the guests of the site to make buy from that point (Templeandwebster.com.au, 2016). Notwithstanding these, there are different methods for overstating the business exercises of an online retailer. Utilizing hash labels in internet based life like twitter by pointing various significant exercises like #buy, #discounts and others. End: It very well may be handily said that the job of data and correspondence innovation is expanding significantly to help the adjustments in retail strategy. Pretty much every Company is turning its business exercises on the web. In addition, e-business has encourages the shoppers too to buy things online by simple installment strategy. Consequently, there is an incredible breadth for online business in late time. Reference list: Tooth, Y., Qureshi, I., Sun, H., McCole, P., Ramsey, E., Lim, K. H. (2014). Trust, Satisfaction, and Online Repurchase Intention: The Moderating Role of Perceived Effectiveness of E-Commerce Institutional Mechanisms.Mis Quarterly,38(2), 407-427. Templeandwebster.com.au (2016) Temple Webster Available at: https://www.templeandwebster.com.au/[Retrieved on: 28-11-2016] Veit, D., Clemons, E., Benlian, A., Buxmann, P., Hess, T., Kundisch, D., ... Spann, M. (2014). Business models.Business Information Systems Engineering,6(1), 45-53. Wyche, S. P., Forte, A., Yardi Schoenebeck, S. (2013, April). Hustling web based: understanding solidified facebook use in a casual settlement in Nairobi. InProceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(pp. 2823-2832). ACM.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Teaching Listening and Speaking free essay sample
Offer with us know your considerations and your encounters in Teaching Listening and Speaking in your school. Truly share your sentiments on the accompanying themes. 1. What are your best achievements in showing these two aptitudes to your understudies? 2. What are a portion of the difficulties/issues you experienced in showing this two abilities? 3. What are your expectations and desires for this course? Much obliged to you Dr Lee Dear Doc, Thank you for posting these inquiries; honestly speaking I’ve as of now felt the weight and overwhelming errand as a result of this new daily schedule of turning into an understudy and an educator simultaneously. In any case I’ll attempt my best to satisfy the assignment. Sorry if my answers are excessively long, I just can’t control the craving to compose. 1. The understudies in SK Pulau Gaya particularly in my group love emulating other and singing tunes. They learn new dialect by impersonating individuals who can intrigue and cause them to have fun whether in class or outside the class. We will compose a custom article test on Showing Listening and Speaking or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Learning through encounters and watching the students, I attempt to adjust another methodology as opposed to utilizing the regular old dull and exhausting technique. Fortunately I could play some instrument particularly the guitar, so starting there, there’s no turning around. From an exhausting class. I figured out how to transform my class into getting all the more enthusiastic and intuitive. By singing melodies, understudies are as of now captivating effectively in tuning in and talking process. Though, I sing the tune first as they attempt to tune in to the verses and a short time later they will attempt to sing it together. This procedure may sound cliche’ or possibly simply normal however for me it had exactly the intended effect. Likewise, remembering words, expressions or sentences appeared to have some little effect for the understudy. On the off chance that they like the melody that they’ve heard, at that point they will attempt their best to remember the verses in spite of the fact that it will require some investment. From talking the regular Bajau, Suluk/Tausug or Sabahan Malay language, a portion of my understudies have demonstrated their push to talk in English and ready to comprehend basic guidance, etc. In spite of the fact that this can't be considered as a best achievement however for me this is something significant and can be the impetus for accomplishing better achievement later on. 2. Originating from a school that is missing of power, favorable instructing and picking up encompassing, assortment of assets and so forth. Training Listening and talking can be very extreme and intimidating.Not that I’m whining, however it is a brutal reality that I’ve to live with. As an educator, we’re being exhortation to be adaptable and imaginative. Understudies of my school are to a great extent speakers of local language, for example, Bajau and Suluk/Tausug language. 70 percent of them talk every day in their primary language, just a little part of them are speaking Sabahan Malay. So intelligently saying, the understudies need to learn two additional dialects notwithstanding their own language. With restricted assets, it’s very trying for the educator to show dialects for the understudies here.If we are utilizing pointless, non-innovative and non-functional methodology in instructing Listening and Speaking to them than a similar cycle will continue rehashing, the students will never hold nothing back from learn new dialects since they are not persuaded enough that the dialects, for example, English is fun and critical to them. In any case, some of them demonstrate excitement to learn English yet everything relies upon the instructors to be proactive and stressed more on Listening and Speaking that apparently being disre garded truly which incorporates me. 3.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Arsenal Holding PLC Essay Essays
Munititions stockpile Holding PLC Essay Essays Munititions stockpile Holding PLC Essay Paper Munititions stockpile Holding PLC Essay Paper This making is a SWOT examination of the organization Arsenal Holding PLC ; whose main product is the Celebrated English football nine ARSENAL FC which is situated in Holloway. London and is one of the best nines in English football with 13 first division rubrics and ten FA cups what's more a record of the longest continuous period in the English top flight. ( Wikipedia ) What is SWOT? SWOT speaks to the finished result of a selling review investigation and is essentially the examination of the natural variables and the inward evaluation bit of the selling review. It represents Strengths. coming up short. possibilities and hazards. Evaluation of this SWOT factors along with a rating of its findings is a cardinal part of objective selling arranging. ( G. Lanchester and L. Massingham ( 1996 ) It is other than of import to see that SWOT ANALYSIS ought to be positioned in other to accentuation the significance of each point. The organization Arms stockpile staying with plc is the parent of Arsenal FC and works as a non-cited masses restricted organization a change from different nines. Just 62. 217 Arsenal partitions have been given and they aren’t exchanged on any open trade separated from rather rarely on Plus market ; a specializer showcase. An individual part in Arsenal had a mid segment money related estimation of ?10. 250. which set the organizations capitalisation esteem at around ?637. 74m. ( wikipedia ) . Its Business The greater part of its anxiety exercises develop around the Arsenal FC exchange name which is all around known as a top football nine which performs methodicallly at the most noteworthy degree in England and Europe. Football being a globally acknowledged games with Europe being the focal point of this affection. it has been proposed that the English Premiership is apparently the most beautiful and engaging League known to mankind with an observer following that could be evaluated into 100s of 1000000s hebdomadal and Arsenal would other than ostensibly be chosen as its most engaging crew with 1000000s of fans universe expansive. This Financial shrewd deciphers into a solid exchange name picture and which would pass on hard money stream from ; picture privileges of its members and the nine. salary and overall gains from trophy wins and commitment in the gathering and European rivalries. Offer of members. broadcasting rights. net incomes of nine product and roll uping entryway for plac e games. Qualities 1. An extremely solid all inclusive known exchange name2. Enormous planetary fan base3. Enormous bowl4. Group of large companies association in exchange name5. Area in England and London6. A couple of enormous and costly participants7. Incredible history8. Intriguing records and accomplishments9. Steadfast fans10. Brilliant football and exchange name shading material11. Powerful heading Failings1. Failure to win trophy2. Failure to compete monetarily with the best in Europe3. Failure to keep up its best participants4. Failure to change over enthusiasts of contribution in football success5. To numerous inexperient members in squad6. Little football crew Opportunities1. A group of youthful potential gifts in the squad2. Ongoing attack into Asiatic market3. Rise of FIFA just show regulation4. Development of extremely protective crews playing ugly football5. Turning English national’s rank in the squad6. Expanding contribution in the English prevalence and the European title-holders alliance internationally Menaces1. European crises2. Rise of nines supported by oil barons3. Expanding pay developments in the premiership4. Expanding member rating5. Expanding occasions of member disloyalty6. Miserable fans7. Restoration of Tottenham their London challengers8. Chelsea’s title-holders class win Assessment and analysisThe SWOT investigation as observed previously. gives off an impression of being very put resources into the exercises of Arsenal FC. this is on the grounds that the nine is a worry foundation which has a one-year monetary proclamation and is controlled by its parent organization Arsenal maintenances. which makes the exercises of the nine and its condition deserving of note. The examination develops around the nines over a significant time span spots and open introductions ; its qualities spins around the exchange name and how settled it is. demonstrating out the colourfulness of both the nines picked colorss and way of football it speaks to. It other than focuses at the size of its bowl which is all the time topped off and which entireties to large whole of tickets sold. Its failings advance around its present failure to win trophies what's more present financial restrictions rather than its main adversaries who have a bunch more to pass Opportunities takes a g ander at its youngster strategy ; a framework where by they purchase a member most occasions stingily and get ready him after a couple of mature ages into a universal star with the nine as his stage. The outcome of this is the player’s esteem increments immensely and with the present territory of transportation improvements. past extent. It other than takes a gander at the fair show guideline which whenever put into outcome by UEFA. the natural structure that administers football in Europe will cover the present laterality of a portion of its adversaries. The dangers point at the present emergency in Europe as its the greater part of import high spot. as though there is no cash at that spot will no natural structure to buy tickets or purchase the merchandise that the nine exchange names. It other than thinks about its opponents as a significant hazard. on account of the looking boundless riches some of them gangs. *Note Players go forthing the nine on the present moment is non a threat as it achieves more beneficial asset reports and greater overall gains. as the members are sold for gigantic expenses. be that as it may, in the drawn out it influences the clubs picture and notoriety and do an expansion in fan traitorousness. so it ought to be viewed as both a coming up short and a hazard. Choice From the SWOT you can reason that the organization has a high total of qualities contrasted with the different classs. its failings are fairly a couple yet the grown-up male peril lies in its dangers. with the cardinal one of note being the emergency in Europe which is affecting all worries as a rule. different threats seem sensible when analyzed business as usual is encouraged to delay the nine. REFRENCE G. Lanchester and L. Massingham. . Vital Marketing arranging and rating. ( 1996 ) World Wide Web. wikepedia. com
Marine Fishkeeping Essays - Fishkeeping, Anthrozoology, Fish
Marine Fishkeeping Marine Fish Keeping 101 In the relatively recent past the main spots you could see marine fishes were open aquariums, however no more, presently you can have these lovely fish in your own home. With the present innovation, you can keep salt-water fish alive and solid in a tank of water in your home! As of late, we have seen these delightful fish on TV from around the globe, and this has caused an upsurge in enthusiasm for keeping marine fishes in the home aquarium. At first the fishes were restrictively costly because of high cargo charges and the low number of fish that got to their area alive and healthy. In any case, that all changed with the presentation of mass air transportation and new innovation in the holder fields. Both aided gigantically in guaranteeing that an a lot higher extent of fishes showed up at their goal sound. To respond to the inquiry ?why keep marine fishes isn't elusive. This is on the grounds that the fish are so delightful and elegant that you need to have the option to see them at whatever point you wish. Be that as it may, there are different reasons additionally, particularly in the event that you are now a fish-attendant. You may have begun keeping new water fish and afterward onto tropical as your inclinations developed. You may likewise consider keeping to be angles as a proceeding with challenge to your fish-keeping aptitudes. There is additionally pride in having the option to keep marine fishes in the home aquarium. Then again you may you might need to keep fish just in light of the fact that you appreciate them and their magnificence. Marine fish keeping is a considerably more mind boggling and specialized subject than freshwater fish keeping. Since every single marine fish are imported and not bread in imprisonment, they are considerably more costly. One of the interests of keeping marine fishes is that, since it is a generally new pastime, there is still a lot to be found about this leisure activity. This pastime takes commitment and perseverance to turn out to be acceptable at it. Coming up next is a short portrayal on the best way to begin with your very own fish tank; there is a wide scope of marine creatures that can be kept in an aquarium. There isn't just the fish however there are spineless creatures that are once in a while important to keep with certain fish. The decision of fish for the fish tank is wide; some are pricey others are definitely not. Be that as it may, you must be cautious when loading the aquarium since they don't generally coexist with one another, the fish's ordinary living space is sufficiently bright and very much oxygenated, so you must be cautious about congestion. Most fish are regional and will shield their region viscously on the off chance that they feel compromised. This implies nature required for the creatures to live must be all the more firmly observed and the gear and supplies utilized can be progressively costly. In the event that the time and funds aren't spent on your aquarium, the outcome will be dead fish and corals and a disappointed specialist. The time interest in a reef aquarium can be considerable, particularly during the initial hardly any months. Be set up to commit as much as thirty minutes out of each day to your new reef. After the initial a half year or something like that, this time duty will drop off, however will presumably still be as much as an hour or two every week. Numerous aquarists can get by with to a lesser extent a period duty, and you may be one of them, however be readied. Some other time duty you ought to be eager to make is in explore. Try not to hope to set your tank up, begin thudding in some fish and corals, and be fruitful. You should continually be adding as far as anyone is concerned, through books and the web. Utilizing the term research may sound a touch of scaring, yet most reef attendants appreciate this piece of the side interest nearly as much as the aquarium itself. Money related interest in a reef aquarium can differ from as meager as a few hundred dollars for a little scaled down reef, to a few thousand for a huge tank. Make certain to discover how much everything will cost before getting down to the store and purchasing an enormous tank that you probably won't have the option to help. Notwithstanding
Friday, August 21, 2020
Glue Sniffing Practices Street Children Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
Blending to Child Workers In Nepal Concerned Center road kids are the individuals who are completely road based, working and populating in the street.They could be vagrants or relinquished children or just overlooked or runways they could be with or without family unit. They could hold little or no contact with their few family units. We will compose a custom article test on Paste Sniffing Practices Street Children Health And Social Care Essay or then again any comparable point just for you Request Now The activity of road kids is cosmopolitan and is generally truly elevated in those states where there is quick urbanization. The figure of road kids has developed in ongoing decennaries as a result of expansive spread downturn, political seizure, common disturbance, expanding family unit decay, regular calamity and turning urbanization. [ 1 ] Road kids are among the high danger and unreliable gathering and they are as needs be increasingly defenseless against grouped kinds of substance abuse, and most regular sorts are dissolvers and inhalants. [ 1 ] WHO evaluates that globally,25 % to 90 % of road kids engaged with substance abuse. Issue explanation Worldwide Fitting to WHO evaluation, there are all the more so 100 million road kids known to man and all the more so 25 million are from creating states and the vast majority of them are pre-adult. An investigation dependent on study directed by WHO showed that it comes to around 25-30 million in created states. [ 2 ] Surveies propose that 80-90 % of road kids in Latin America have some contact with their families. Overviews other than show that road kids in Latin America are 8-17 mature ages old, with 9 mature ages old being the mean age upon come ining the road. Young ladies comprise 10-15 % of road children and Black and grouped race children might be over-spoken to among road kids in the part. [ 3 ] Road kids refered to a figure of reason for being in the city. These incorporates picking up pay, being stranded, abuse by stepfathers/stepmothers/a few relations, inconsistent consideration and backing by guardians or safeguards and friend power per unit territory. In spite of the fact that substance maltreatment among kids in India has been archived for over a decennary, unpredictable substance misuse ( VSM ) is a moderately late wonder there.. Revealed detected advantages incorporate improved physical quality, diminished modesty, rest commencement, encountering great, and blunting physical and mental harming. Recognized peril factors incorporate local power, a domineering male parent, nearness of stepparents, transient position, and substance use in the family unit. [ 4 ] A study on road kids in Delhi among 115 male road kids matured 6-16 uncovered that the greater part of the themes had enjoyed substance use before going to the perception place. The operators expended were nicotine, inhalants, intoxicant and cannabis.Substance use in road kids is related with flimsy spots and abuse. [ 5 ] There are an expected 3,500-5,000 road kids populating in the city of Lahore, Pakistan. A disproportional figure of these children use sedates and take part in endurance sex as get bying instruments. Of the whole example, 17.0 % revealed ne’er holding utilized medications, 15.9 % announced being previous medication clients, and 67.1 % detailed holding utilized medications in the prior month enlistment. Members were 96 % male childs with a normal age of 13 mature ages. The normal length of life on the roads was year and a half, and 52.7 % had ever been captured by the constabulary. Odd occupations, beggary, and pickpocketing were the essential beginnings of revealed salary. [ 6 ] A cross-sectional logical overview of road kids on neighborhood specialists nation of South western Niegeria indicated that, the normal age was 16.2 Aâ ± 1.3 mature ages, and there were a larger number of guys ( 58.3 % ) than females. The greater part of the respondents ( 65 % ) were all the while populating with their folks. Fifty-three percent of the respondents were present psychotropic substance clients and the five commonest substances utilized were kola nut ( 58.6 % ) , intoxicant ( 43.6 % ) , baccy ( 41.4 % ) , cannabis ( 25.4 % ) and â€Å" sokudaye †Similarly, low association with female parent and companions and low parental nearness were altogether connected with current substance use. [ 7 ] ( makes reference to: relationship as determiners of substance use among road kids in a neighborhood specialists nation in south western Niegeria. ) National In 1992 CWIN assessed that around 5000 have arrived in the city of metropoliss of Nepal.Furthermore, the number of inhabitants in the road kids in Kathmandu completely evaluated by CWIN was around 1200 in 1996.CWIN was accounted for 330 new road kids in kthmandu in 1997 ; by the by they assessed whole figure around 1000. Their figure has shot up three wrinkles inside 10 mature ages A ; this activity in Nepal will introduce an existent hazard in future, especially if the present inclinations towards unaided urbanization proceeds. [ 8 ] In Nepal, the entirety evaluated figure of road kids is 40,000, in urban Centers. CWIN gauges that there are around 800-900 road kids in Kathmandu vale. [ 8 ] Fitting to CWIN, the general utilization of baccy is 55 % among road kids. Between 25-90 % of road kids use substances of one sort or other. Paste sniffing is rising propensity in Nepal. It is quick going a reliance among road kids in Kathmandu.the current prevelant of paste whiffing among road kids is 51.7 % in Kathmandu valley.19.7 % have begun using paste two mature ages ago,34.4 % began a twelvemonth prior and 27.9 % began only barely any months back. [ 9 ] Paste sniffing can be named as ‘group activity’among road children.95.1 % kids use gum with friends,77 % use gum in equivalent impact and 60.7 % kids sniff stick everyday. [ 9 ] Method of reasoning of the overview ( defense ) Paste sniffing and road kids both are significant open health each piece great as cultural employment in Nepal. Fitting to UN show on the privilege of child, each child has the option to benefit from cultural security A ; assurance from advancement and medication abuse ; stick sniffing among road kids is similarly new inclination and is by all accounts expanding in disheartening walk around the universe and in Nepal unreasonably. Other than as an individual intrest of child and pre-adult health, it is venturing out to continue. Research request 1 ) what is the situation of paste whiffing among road kids? 2 ) what are the various variables which contribute road children to whiff gum? Points 1 ) General point: To occur out the situation of gum sniffing and factors affecting it among road kids. 2 ) explicit points: I ) to put the structure and frequence of paste sniffing. two ) to put the grounds why road kids sniff gum. three ) to quantify the cognizance about hurtful impacts of paste sniffing. Factors Subordinate variable Paste whiffing two ) Independent variable A ) segment variable a ) Age of the road kids B ) Sexual action of the road youngsters degree Celsius ) Educational position B ) Family support C ) Peer power per unit territory D ) Easy handiness of gum Tocopherol ) Hunger F ) Entertainment G ) salary of road kids H ) Risk taking conduct I ) Growth of pack movement Theoretical Model pay Age Sexual movement Instructive position Paste whiffing among road childrenFamilysupport developing of pack delight handiness equivalent power per unit territory risk taking conduct yearning operational definition 1 ) Glue: A gluey substance utilized for fall ining things ;, for example, association places, carpet, and so on. 2 ) sniffing: Substance which is straight splashed or breathed in into the oral pit. 3 ) road kids: kids who are completly road based, working and populating in the road. 4 ) Education: Educational situation of road kids is ordered into illetrate, peruse and make, essential and auxiliary. Research methodological examination 1.study plan: The overview configuration will be elucidating, crosssectional and explorative to run into the points. 2.Study technique: To run into the points, both quantitative each piece great as subjective assault will be applied. The quantitative assault gives numerical results, that can be utilized to see the structure, frequence and components of issues being examined. On the different manus, the subjective assault will be utilized for total of data on issues that are difficult to acquire from a quantitative report. In this manner data acquired from each assault will be utilized as corresponding to the next. 3.Site decision: Different nations of Kathmandu ( i.e Basasntapur, kalopul, Setopul, Gausala, Samakhusi, Dillibazar ) is chosen purposively on the grounds that Kathmandu totally contains 900-1200 road kids as examination done by CWIN. Other than it is simple available and monetary topographic point to make explore in setting from Institute Of Medicine. 4.Study populace: The review populace will be the road children old enough 6-16 mature ages, these days at the clasp of informations accumulation. 5.Sampling strategy: Non Probability testing. 6.Unit of investigation: Individual 7.Sample size: For the calculation of test size, after articulation will be utilized: N= Z2pq/L2 Where, P= % commitment of road kids in gum sniffing ( Current commonness of paste sniffing is 51.7 % among road children of ktm vale, blending to CWIN ) q= 1-p = 100-51.7= 48.3 % L= Allowable error=20 % of P =0.1034 In this way, n =90. ( Recalculate the example size, it would be 98 ) Apparatuses of informations accumulation Meeting plan: The organized and semistructured poll will be utilized to move up the data. Case overview rule: Few case surveies will be done to analyze into touchy issues each piece great concerning total of data on issues that are difficult to acquire from quantitative examination. Strategies Meeting: meeting will be led among road kids by using organized and semistructured survey. Case review: example overview will be directed among 5-10 children by the utilization of occasion study manage
Saturday, August 8, 2020
How Long Should My Novel Be
How Long Should My Novel Be This question is often asked by first-time novelists, but before we delve into suggested word counts for novels and other genres, take a minute to consider these facts:Victor Hugos beloved classic, Les Misérables, was 420,000 words long, while Ernest Hemingways The Old Man and the Sea had just 26,000 words. Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451 contained 46,118 words, while John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath had 169,481 words. What do these numbers tell you?Word count expectations can varyAs you can see, the word count of great literature from the past is widely different, depending on the novel. And even today, there are outliers to the word count average or norm that is expected (J.K. Rowlings books, for example).There are, however, some general rules and expectations that are put out by various organizations or publishers. For example, The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America offers these suggested lengths for its Nebula award categories:Novelâ€"40,000 words or overNovellaâ€"17 ,500 to 39,999 wordsNoveletteâ€"7,500 to 17,499 wordsShort storyâ€"under 7,500 wordsAuthor Chuck Sambuchino says between 80,000 and 89,999 words is a good range for literary, mainstream, womens, romance, mystery, suspense, thriller and horror. He writes, Anything in this word count wont scare off any agent anywhere.Jane Smiley, author of 13 Ways of Looking at the Novel suggests that the sweet spot of novel length is between 100,000 and 175,000 words.Word counts broken down by genreAnne R. Allens blog, voted as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers by Writers Digest, suggests the following word counts based on debut fiction. She breaks it down by genre to create even more specific guidelines.Picture Booksâ€"text: 500-1000 words (32 pages is ideal.)Middle Grade fictionâ€"20,000 to 40,000. Upper Middle Grade can be a bit longer.Young Adult fictionâ€"25,000 to 80,000.Chick Litâ€"60,000-75,000.Cozy Mysteriesâ€"55,000-70,000. *The author notes that Agatha Christies mysteries tend to be around 40,000.Fantasyâ€"90,000-110,000.Historical fictionâ€"80,000 to 110,000+.Literary fictionâ€"65,000 to 100,000,*The author notes that publishers are trending away from the higher numbers, preferring Spare and elegant.Standard Mysteries and Crime Fictionâ€"70,000 to 100,000.Romanceâ€"55,000 to 75,000.Science Fictionâ€"75,000 to 100,000.Thrillersâ€"80,0000 to 100,000.Urban Fantasy / Paranormal Romanceâ€"70,000 to 90,000.Westernsâ€"50,000 to 80,000.Womens Fictionâ€"70,000 to 100,000.A final wordAs you can see, word count averages and expectations will vary, depending on the type of novel you are writing and the genre into which it fits. These guidelines suggested by online resources will certainly have outliers and are by no means set in stone. However, if your debut novel veers outside of them, it might be a good idea to hire an editor to see if there are sections that could be cut to bring word count back into normal paremeters.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
A Comprehension of Bipolar Disorder - Free Essay Example
Bipolar disorder is believed to originate as far back as Early Greek and Roman periods. Lithium salts were used in bath waters to calm people during that time. In the 17th Century, both Robert Burton and Theophilus Bonet, identified the link between mania and melancholy. The first documented case of bipolar disorder was done in the 19th Century by the French psychiatrist, Jean-Pierre Falret. An article was written describing circular insanity which details people switching through severe depression and manic excitement. (2018, Krans, Cherney). Since then, the highly investigated neurological disease has been pursued. The first time the term bipolar disorder appeared was in the 1980 third edition of American Psychiatric Associations (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Bipolar disorder is now highly researched with ongoing information towards identification of symptoms, related symptoms and associated disorders, causes, diagnosis, and treatment. Bipolar disorder defined The Bipolar (two poles) disorder, previously called manic depression, has been determined as a neurological disorder in which the person shifts dramatically between the opposite differences of mania and depression. A created mental illness affecting a persons moods, energy, activity levels, and everyday life such as decision-making processes, tasks, sleep, and perspectives on reality. Mania is excitement, delusions, and euphoria while depression is severe sadness, despondency, and dejection. Mood swings can shift between highs and lows in a matter of minutes and the person can become very agreeable to very unreasonable. Symptoms There are four types of bipolar disorders with varying severities and may have related disorders associated. The first type is Bipolar I disorder with manic episodes lasting a minimum of seven days, requiring hospitalization, following with severe depression, and creating a break from reality or psychosis and dangerous episodes of hallucinations or delusions, matching the persons intense moods. The second type is Bipolar II disorder with a pattern of hypomanic and depressive episodes for longer periods, occurring a minimum of two years but without a manic episode and can cause a significant impairment in the persons life. The third type of bipolar disorder is called Cyclothymia, having numerous periods of hypomania and depressive symptoms for at least two years with one year occurring during the childhood or adolescence years. The fourth is other specified and unspecified bipolar and related disorders which are defined by not matching any of the other three symptoms. These can be ind uced by certain drugs or alcohol or due to a medical condition, such as Cushings disease, multiple sclerosis or stroke (Mayo, 2016). Symptoms can occur with a chemical change to the body such as hormone imbalance through pregnancy or menopause or seasonal changes in the environment. The symptoms of mania and hypomania have the same symptoms but different types of episodes with mania being more serious with noticeable problems in the persons life including work, school, social activities, and relationships. An episode comprises of three or more of the following characteristics which include abnormally upbeat, jumpy, or wired, increased activity, energy, agitation, irritable, or touchy, exaggerated sense of well-being and self-confidence or euphoria, decreased need for sleep, unusual talkativeness about various subjects, racing thoughts, distractibility, and poor decision-making such as spending sprees, sexual risks, or impulsive investments (Mayo, 2016). The symptoms of a depressive episodes reflect a noticeable difficulty in functioning with everyday life such as work, school, social activities, and relationships. An episode would consist of five or more of the following characteristics which include a depressed mood such as feeling sad, down, hopeless, tearful or irritability, feeling worried or empty, loss of interest or no pleasure in almost all activities, significant weight loss without dieting, weight gain, or an increase or decrease in appetite, either insomnia or excessive sleeping, restlessness or loss of energy, tired or slowed down, decreased activity levels, feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt, decreased ability to concentrate, think, or indecisiveness, forgetting things often, and think about death or the idea of suicide with either planning or attempting (Mayo, 2016). Related Disorders Related disorders can have similar indications to bipolar disorders. These illnesses can make diagnosing bipolar disorder difficult or may be underlying disorders associated with the mental illness. Other disorders include anxiety disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), substance abuse disorders, eating disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PSTD), borderline personality disorder, or schizophrenia. People with bipolar disorder are also at a higher risk for thyroid disease, migraine headaches, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and other physical illnesses (NIMH, 2016). Diagnosis Diagnosis should include a physical exam and lab tests to identify any potential medical problems, and a psychiatric exam to evaluate thoughts, feelings, behavior patterns, and personal perspectives. Diagnosing children and teenagers with bipolar disorder includes the same criteria used for adults but often have different patterns and may not fit into the diagnosis categories (2016, Mayo). Sometimes family members or close friends will be requested to fill out surveys to help provide information. Mood charting sleep patterns, or eating journals may also be applicable in helping to diagnose and provide the right treatments. A mental health physician or psychiatrist may compare symptoms with the criteria in the American Psychiatric Associations (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Causes Exact causes are unknown but many aspects contribute including genetics, stress, and biological structure and function of the brain. Genetics increase the chances of acquiring the disorder when there is a history of the illness in a parent or sibling. Physical changes in the brain such as average size or activation happening are being identified as a contributing factor. According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI), the average age of onset is about 25 years old but can occur in teens, or more commonly in childhood and affect men and women equally with 2.6% of the U.S. population diagnosed and nearly 83% are classified as severe (2017). Treatments Bipolar disorder is a life-long ailment and will require various medical and therapy treatments. Finding the correct treatment and therapy can allow the person diagnosed with bipolar disorder the ability to live a long, fulfilling, successful life while the treatment plan is followed through. Treatments may be directed by team including a psychiatrist, medical doctors, social workers, psychiatric nurse, and family members. Medications that help treat the symptoms comprise of mood stabilizers controlling manic or hypomanic episodes, antipsychotics which control depression or mania, antidepressants which address depression, antidepressant-antipsychotic which works as a depression management and as a mood stabilizer, or anti-anxiety which helps with anxiety and improves sleep. The right medication is critical in finding what will be beneficial. Patients must be consist with following the regiment of taking the medication and reporting any side effects immediately or stopping the medicat ion suddenly leading to rebounding or worsening of the bipolar disorder (NIMH, 2016). Psychotherapy is usually done in conjunction with medication involving individuals, families, or group settings. Talk therapy is effective by offering support, education, and guidance to both the person with bipolar disorder and the family and friends involved. Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy (CBT) educates in identifying unhealthy, negative beliefs, behaviors, and triggers with replacement, positive ones helping to develop manage stress strategies and develop coping mechanisms. Family-focused therapy provides techniques in communication and family support by gearing towards sticking to a treatment plan and identifying warning signs and mood swings. Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (IPSRT) focuses on consistent routines, providing stabilization of daily rhythms including sleeping, eating, productive and destressing activities. Psychoeducation gives information on the bipolar disorder, und erstanding the symptoms and causes, learning to identify issues, create plans for prevention of relapse, teach support techniques, and the ability for consistency in the treatment plan. Another treatment option is electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) giving relief for severe bipolar disorders who are not able to recover through other treatments by sending an electrical current through the brain to trigger a brief seizure causing a change in the brain chemistry, reversing certain symptoms of the mental illness. Some short term side effects of the treatment are confusion, disorientation, and memory loss and can be used for women who are pregnant to prevent the side effects from risky medications or high risk suicide patients. Sleep medications can be helpful for insomnia and natural supplements maybe advantageous but very little research is available and doctors should be informed of them. A Life Chart can document mood symptoms, sleep patterns, and life events, helping doctors and patient s track and treat the disorder effectively (NIMH, 2016). People diagnosed with bipolar disorder can develop lifestyle approaches such as eliminating alcohol and recreational drugs, creating healthy relationships with positive influences, developing healthy routines including eating, sleeping, exercise, and monitor salt intake with lithium, and check over-the-counter medications and supplements and reactions with prescriptions. People with bipolar disorder should not stop taking prescriptions of skip therapy sessions, need to be open and honest with health-care providers, and stay focused on goals, join support groups, find healthy hobbies and recreational activities, and learn relaxation techniques and stress management. Conclusion Bipolar disorder has been in existence for centuries and doctors are continuing to find solutions. Bipolar disorder is not curable but is treatable and causes are still unknown. Medical professionals need to be cautious in treating the correct condition and not the mirror symptoms of other disorders. People with bipolar disorder need to be educated and make decisions for lifestyle changes in order to lead to healthy lives. Various treatments and therapies are available and families need to find ways to continue support.
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